Emily Roebling stepped in to facilitate the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge after her husband, its chief engineer, fell victim to a mysterious illness. Though her contributions were kept shadowed at the time, later generations have realized how critical she was to the project’s completion (and she did so much more afterward!)

via wikicommons
Time Travel With The History Chicks

Moving Pictures and Audio
The Brooklyn Bridge, Ken Burns documentary , yes, you can buy the Brooklyn Bridge!
The Bowery Boys podcast has A LOT of episodes about Brooklyn, the bridge, and some of the people involved in building it (Boss Tweed is a recurring subject for the Bowery Boys). Start with their episodes on Brooklyn Heights (episodes #298 and 299) for a background of the area where Emily lived in Brooklyn and why building the bridge was needed.
Break music: James Harper of Harper Active; end music: Cool Kids, Natalie Walker (used with permission)