In May of 2019 (if you’re in the future, if you’re in the present- this weekend) we appeared live at PodX. PodX was a beautiful collection of both podcasters and podcast listeners who gathered in Nashville to celebrate podcasting.

When we announced that we were going, we heard from a lot of you who couldn’t make it and were sad to miss it. So we decided to guarantee decent audio quality and we pre-record our presentation as an episode. Yes, you will miss the acknowledgement that our shoe game is strong, all the charming visuals of our powerpoint presentation, the realization that Beckett isn’t a blond, all our endearing flubs. always interesting Q&A session, all the other panels that we sat on and the impromptu meetups over fancy cocktails…but since all of you are with us in spirit while we’re on the stage, we thought we would be with you in audio no matter where you are.

A small sampling of the many friends we were able to hang out with at PodX.

We talked about the women who helped us on our path as podcasters and as women (and Marie Antoinette’s toilet because we can):

 A grateful hat tip to Ada Lovelace

So it isn’t the real origin of steampunk…but Babbage’s Difference Engine sure looks like it could be.

The book that inspired Beckett and Julian Fellowes (but not at the same time.)

Oh hey, Marie knew the power of a lit candle in a bathroom!

Visit Versailles and Le Petite Trianon on windy days.

We don’t do a lot of live shows, so if you want to see us and we’re in your area, don’t wait around for “the next time” because there may not be one. A special thank you to those who made the trek to Nashville to see the show- it was amazing to meet you!

Thanks for listening!


Beckett and Susan