Captain Adams and WACs of the 6888th Central Postal Batallion via NPS

Early WAAC Adams before they dropped the “auxiliary” and upped the benefits via NPS

The 6888th and civilian employees sorting mail in Paris, 1946 via National Archives

Time Travel with The History Chicks


by Brenda Moore
by Sandra Bolzenius
By Ronald Rosbottom

For younger readers (or young at heart):

by Kelisa Wing

By Winifred Conkling and Julia Kuo


A site that works to correct public information on the 6888th: The Women of the 6888th.

Article by Kevin Hymel that inspired the movie, The SIx Tripe Eight and the lives of some of the 6888 not in the movie: Smithsonian magazine and Women of the 6888th

When Fort Gregg-Adams was being named, Lt Col. Adams’ son gave an interview, it gives more detail about his father: DVIDS NEWS.

Information and photos about the Fort Leavenworth statue unveiling with five of the original members of the 6888th (including Cpl Lena Derricott Bell King- a lead character in the movie.)

Lt. Colonel Adams needs a postage stamp, it’s so obvious and shocks us that it hasn’t been done yet. Get involved here at the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee!

Moving Pictures and Audio

If you haven’t listened to our coverage of the life of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, it’s a two-parter, here’s the shownotes to the first one: Dr. Bethune, Pt One (episode, 223.)

Documentary shown on PBS about the 6888th: The SixTripleEight

Not a documentary, but a very well-done historical fiction, the 2024, Netflix movie The Six Triple Eight starring Kerry Washington and produced by Tyler Perry and based on this article by Kevin Hemel (and if you want to read the transcript, visit Scraps from the Loft.)