Heeeeere’s your seven word summary: We asked, you responded and we answer.
For the first time in the five years that we have been doing this show we sat down with a couple of glasses of wine to deviate from our normal format and answer some of your questions. We had asked for them and you delivered! From questions about specific episodes to hypothetical situations and research methods to some semi-personal questions…we answered them all. We even revealed some of the names on our extraordinarily long list of future subjects and did a really bad job of keeping our next subject secret. (In vino veritas and all)
We thought that this cocktail party chatter was a perfect way to give our new audio recording system the proper welcome that it deserves. Isn’t it pretty?
Here are some random things that will only make sense after you listen to the episode:
This is the site that Susan was struggling to remember the name of but really liked. WORDS FROM US*
Beckett has been in a Stars Hollow on a Netflix loop, she could go toe-to-toe with these guys! (Have you listened to the Gilmore Guys Podcast?)
Susan blames The Satellite Sisters for her most recent Netflix binge. Or thanks. It is a great show.

Why we probably won’t be covering Mae West soon, this episode is really good. (link) The Bowery Boys

This is us with Carol Wallace who co-authored the book that Beckett adored so much that it inspired our podcast (and Downton Abbey) To Marry an English Lord (she is also extremely fun to hang-out with)
Got a novel in you? Nanowrimo is coming in November, go register now at nanowrimo.org!

We talked about this. One of us is an Obliger the other a Rebel.
If you’re interested here it is.
Follow us on Instagram, THEHISTORYCHICKS and tag your historically based trip pics!

Call him what you like, Mr. History Chick, Mr Audible, or perhaps, Mr Graham. (We will both deny putting this here so don’t bother telling him. “Collage? What collage?”)
Thanks for listening!
* Full disclosure: The brilliant mind behind wordsfrom.us is a dear friend of ours who we met BECAUSE of this podcast. JD has been a techie hero to us on numerous occasions including getting this particular episode to your ears. We recommend his site because it’s cool, though, not as a paid or bartered endorsement.