A year and a half ago we sat down to talk about Margaret Beaufort and Elizabeth Woodville. Since then a lot of you have joined us…and a lot of you are really excited about the television show The White Queen, which is based on the novel series THE COUSINS’ WAR, by Philippa Gregory. So are we! (So excited) (So very excited) Here in the good ol’ US of A the show begins on the Starz network on August 10th, 8 PM ET/PT, so we thought that this was a good time to brush up on the stories of the women who would become grandmothers to our favorite bad guy, Henry VIII.
Because we posted portraits on our original shownotes, we thought that getting the faces of the actresses playing the parts into our heads would be a good idea.
Starz has a very slick website (facebook page and twitter) for this show which makes talking about it with other fans really easy.
The shownotes from the original episode, including book recommendations, from our original posting are here: SHOWNOTES.
And if you are in the UK, you can watch entire episodes online here: BBC ONE