Rosa Parks (and a cameo by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) circa 1955 Ebony Magazine via wikicommonsThis month two things happened that got us both talking about Rosa Parks:
First, a new statue of her was unveiled in Montgomery Alabama to commemorate the 64th anniversary of her arrest and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Just a few days later, the Library of Congress opened a new exhibit and published a companion book both called, Rosa Parks: In Her Own Words.
It was a sign! We thought it would be a good time to travel back to 2012 and revisit our coverage of Rosa’s life. We remastered the audio as best as possible (when we knew better, we did better) to share Rosa’s story with you again.
For more photos and links for the original infomration, visit the original post for this episode, ROSA PARKS E26.
The Library of Congress DOES (yay!) have an online exhibit for those of us who can’t get to Washington, D.C. and information about visiting the exhibit and special events surrounding it. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ROSA PARKS.
The Montgomery Advertiser newspaper has a nice collection of photos of the unveiling of Rosa’s statue.

New book to compliment the exhibit, by Susan Reyburn.
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