Ida Lewis was a heroine…but she was also a sister, daughter, friend, and dedicated lighthouse keeper, a job where she was uncommonly dedicated and uniquely qualified in the best way imaginable.
Idawalley Zoradia Lewis was born on February 25, 1842, in Newport, Rhode Island where she would spend most of her life. She was the daughter of Hosea and Zoradia (ooooh, now that name makes sense) Lewis, and the second oldest of their five children. Hosea’s life was on the water as a Revenue Cutter Captain, but when Ida was a tween, he moved ashore onto a position as lighthouse keeper of Lime Rock, an outcropping of…lime rocks in Newport Harbor. The family soon moved into the house attached to the light and, at that point, Ida’s education consisted of learning how to be a lighthouse keeper (which she loved.)
Ida was the strongest swimmer and rower in Newport, hands down, men or women. These skills and her view of the entire harbor meant that if there was a boating accident, she was the one to rescue the people in the water. One of her rescues was so amazing the story went beyond the borders of Rhode Island and made Ida famous. The most famous lighthouse keeper in the world, hands down, men or women.
With the exception of two years when she tried to be a “typical” woman, Ida spent her life on Lime Rock doing the job of lighthouse keeper, and rescuer for 37 years before she was recognized (and compensated) for her work.
Ida Lewis: The Heroine of Lime Rock by George Brewerton is available HERE ONLINE
Rhode Island Lighthouses History is the source for a lot of photos and documents about Ida (and Rhode Island lighthouses in general.)
You can “visit” the Ida Lewis Yacht Club by clicking here!
Moving Pictures!
The play, Idawalley, by Maggie Kearnan, will have its day on stage in January of 2023 at Boston College. MORE INFORMATION HERE
America’s Forgotten Heroine: Ida Lewis, Keeper of Light is a 45-minute documentary on YouTube