The BBC aired this latest adaptation of Little Women at Christmastime, 2017, and PBS showed the newest version of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved novel beginning on May 13, 2018. There are three parts for three hours total, although PBS will be airing them on two nights. Here are some more ways to watch Little Women from PBS.
For our part we’ll be comparing and contrasting this version with the book, the life of Louisa May Alcott and the 1994 version with Winona Ryder…and we’ll toss in some opinions and random bits because, well, that’s what we do.
In this first episode we meet the family, talk about the women behind the movie: Creator Heidi Thomas, Director Vanessa Caswell and Producer Susie Ligat, and watch all the classic scenes from the book play out.
We meet Laurie Laurence on the way to the Hummel’s, too.
In real life he’s equally adorable.
We’re bringin’ it back! Crosspatch!
In addition to the actors, Orchard House is a character in itself. You have to check you local listings to find this documentary created by the fine folks at Orchard House.
Pickled Limes…so many recipes! Here are several on The Food Timeline
So…the big question…Which March Sister Are You? PBS Quiz
We’ll be back in a couple weeks with Part Two of this three part series (we don’t post Recapperys the same week as The History Chicks bios.) Until then, you can always go give a listen to our coverage of Louisa May Alcott, over on that other podcast.
If you don’t want a couple big spoilers (you haven’t read Little Women yet?) do not click play on this–Rachel spoils Little Women for Joey (who spoiled The Shining.)
Photo credit BBC; Stills The History Chicks via BBC