Mrs. Claus, 2024

As is our tradition, we’re sharing our coverage of the life of this unsung hero of the holidays. While the original portion of this was created in 2014 (TEN YEARS? Whoa!) over the years we’ve added to it so no two years are exactly the same! As always, if you have little ears, you may want to preview it so no secrets are spoiled.

This year, we talked a little about this charming ad for Boots stores!

If you would like the links to things talked about in this episode, head back to 2014 via this link: OG Mrs. Claus

Happiest of holidays to you all! Thank you for hanging out with us in 2024! xo Beckett and Susan

Episode 254: Gertrude Ederle

Gertrude, circa 1922 in her WSA sweater via Library of Congress

They said it couldn’t be done; that the deck, and the odds, were stacked against her, but Trudy Ederle listened only to her heart during her record-breaking swim across the English Channel. She was the first woman to accomplish this feat, and her record would hold for another 24 years, but there was a lot more to her life than one phenomenal swim.


Episode 253: Emily Warren Roebling

Emily dressed for court, circa 1894 by Charles-Émile-Auguste Carolus-Duran –she was more than “just” the bridge

Emily Roebling stepped in to facilitate the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge after her husband, its chief engineer, fell victim to a mysterious illness. Though her contributions were kept shadowed at the time, later generations have realized how critical she was to the project’s completion (and she did so much more afterward!)


Episode 252: Maria Theresa of Austria, Part Two

We wrap up our two-part series on the life of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria! This is an epic tale of war (more than we’ve ever discussed) and family (also more than we’ve ever discussed!) We talk about the many steps she took as Maria Theresa reassembled the empire she had inherited and strategically laid the foundations of cultural reform that changed the course of history.


Episode 251: Maria Theresa of Austria, Part One

Destined from her cradle for a seat on the throne, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria had to fight both the prejudices of her age and some of the greatest warriors of the time to secure her empire. Her life was so large, it’s going to require two episodes! In this one, we begin with a little background on her family, you may have heard of them? The Habsburgs? They of a 700-year dynasty? There were a lot of wars, fluid country lines, alliances, and lands that extended across modern-day Europe that helped shape the world that Maria Theresa was born into, and we give you an outline of that history.
