Episode 90: Q &A 2017
“Would you ever have a fan as a guest host?”
“How on earth do you manage to read so many books so quickly?”
“Do your kids complain about the podcast?”
“How much time do you spend on research and prep a week?”
“What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
(And more…a LOT more.)
For the third time since we began the show in 2011 we put out a call for questions and from that delightful barrage we answered as many as possible in this episode. We talk about a variety of subjects from how we met and The History Chick origin story, to several abstract “what if…,”, details about how we organize and research each episode and give you a little peek into the list where we pick our subjects from. Below you’ll find “We’ll put this on our shownotes” items!
How do I become a podcaster? Beckett broke it down to four things: Technical Aspects, Content, Persistence, Luck. While you’re pretty much on your own with the last three, for the first one, go to Helen Zaltzman’s website and check off her five points in her Adventures in Podcasting. Do NOT let people trick you into courses about the technical aspects of podcasting–there are plenty of successful, veteran podcasters willing to help you for free via posts like Helen’s (another must read is on Jamie Jeffers of The British History Podcast–amazing advice.)
Ben Franklin’s World with Liz Covart
16 Personalities and Typing Fictional Characters are the two sites we suggested during the Myers-Briggs personality test question.

Susan’s blanket fort
Special thanks to James Harper, and his band HARPER for the music in the show!