Anne with an E Recap: Episode 6
Remorse is the poison of life
directed by Paul Fox

This episode starts on a high note when Anne saves Minnie May’s life, meets her Designated Mentor, and has her Diana ban lifted… but the bad stuff is coming. (Ken Warner, CBC)

What Premier didn’t get the job because of his good looks? How about Sir John Alexander Macdonald?

Marilla sharing the John she knew with his son, Gilbert who shares the dad he knew. Both are mourning, but Marilla is dealing with some heavy regret.

Billy and the Billyettes…Bud.
“We’ll put that in the shownotes.”

Every week cook a snack from this book, this week’s recipe was Saucy Chicken

This week’s recipe needed a little ooomph.
Kansas City has a lot of great museums, one of them is The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures.

Have you read this yet? Anne seems to have memorized it.
If you want to read Chapter Six of Jane Eyre, by Jane Austen: Chapter Six
The Anne with an E Reading Challenge: (Full list will be on last episode.)
This week we’re adding David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Link goes to Project Gutenberg