by The History Chicks | Aug 6, 2019 | Episode, Podcasts
For a woman who was never supposed to rule, she did a mighty job of it. Isabella not only took the crown, but she also fought to keep it and when it was placed permanently on her head–she rewrote the rules of how her country was run and became the most powerful ruler of her day.
Whoa. That story is going to take two episodes to cover!
by The History Chicks | Jul 22, 2019 | Episode, Podcasts
We’re revisiting seven colorful women and two of them are the most requested women…that we’ve already covered. We get asked a lot, “Can you cover Hedy Lamarr or Judy Garland?” Our answer? “We did back in 2015 and 2013 respectively.” We’ll also tell you the stories of five other women who are connected to each other in different ways: Josephine Cochrane, Melitta Bentz, Mary Phelps Jacob, Billie Burke, and Margaret Hamilton. Now that’s a dinner party guest list!
by The History Chicks | Jul 9, 2019 | Episode, Podcasts
By Albert Lynch, 1903 for Figaro magazine.
We thought that it was high time to take a trip back and revisit the life of brave teenager turned saint, Joan of Arc! We’ve both been thinking about her recently (which may be a bonus hint to our next episode)(it’s totally a bonus hint for our next episode) and realized how strong, brave and resilient she was in her very short life.
Here is a link to the original shownotes from this episode: JOAN OF ARC
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by The History Chicks | Jul 1, 2019 | Episode, Podcasts
Elizebeth Smith Friedman was America’s first female cryptanalyst but her contributions to both the US government during Prohibition and to the world during WWI and WWII as well as her pioneering techniques in counterintelligence and profiling were often hidden from history. We want to help change that.
by The History Chicks | Jun 18, 2019 | Episode, Podcasts
A familiar portrait of Charlotte, a chalk drawing by George Richmond in 1850. wikicommons
After a life of starts and stalls trying to find a way to support themselves, Charlotte Brontë and her sisters Emily and Anne finally hit on the career that paired their lives of heartbreak, horrors, love, and challenges with their vivid imaginations (and a heavy dose of Lord Byron.)